We have endeavoured to ensure that all information presented on this website is accurate and up to date. We shall not be liable for any errors or inaccuracies in such information. In particular, we are not able to guarantee the availability of products displayed on this site. We advise customers wishing to order products to check the details of those products prior to placing an order as inaccuracies may not be used as grounds for rescinding any contracts made with Siroflex Ltd. and the information provided here shall not represent any warranty or undertaking as to quality, fitness for purpose or performance by Siroflex Ltd. We reserve the right to change, amend or modify specifications without prior notice.
All information supplied is the result of our tests and experience and is of a general nature, based on applications of the sealant onto dry and clean surfaces. However, they do not imply any liability. It is the user’s responsibility to verify by their own tests if the product is suitable for the application.
All shelf life details are subject to the product being stored in accordance with the information specified on our product technical data sheets.